Our Beliefs
- We accept the Holy Scriptures, as originally given, as the infallible Word of God, of Divine inspiration.We recognize them as all sufficient and our sole authority in all matters of faith, both of doctrine and practice
- We believe that mankind was created in the image of God, that Adam was appointed as the representative and federal head of the whole of mankind.Through his fall, the consequences of that one man’s sin, all mankind have fallen. That sin has defiled mankind in every area of his being and thus needs to be made a new creation, in heart, mind and spirit
- We believe that salvation is, therefore, of God alone, as author and finisher of our faith, through the redemptive work of the Lord Jesus Christ applied through the regenerative work of the Holy Spirit.
- It is of God, the Father who is holy, righteous, full of grace, mercy, compassion and love, as He has chosen us in Christ before the foundation of the world.
- It is of God, the Son whose true humanity and full deity were mysteriously and really joined in the unity of His divine Person being born of a virgin, perfect in life and teaching, through his substitutory, atoning death on the cross, where He triumphed over Satan, sin and death, in His bodily resurrection and His ascension into heaven where He now sits in glory at the right hand of God.
- It is of God, the Holy Spirit whose work is indispensable to regenerate the sinner, to lead him to repentance, to impart faith in Christ, to sanctify the believer and fit him to enjoy eternal fellowship with God. The baptism of the Holy Spirit occurs at the point of conversion and is the means by which we are placed into the body of Christ.
The consummation of this work will be the personal, visible and glorious return to earth of the Lord Jesus Christ as the righteous judge of all mankind.
- We believe the Christian church is declared in Scripture to be the Body of Christ, the Bride of Christ, the Building of God made up of living stones, a Royal Priesthood, a Holy Nation and a fellowship of believers.
- We therefore believe a Christian is one who has repented of their sins and placed their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as their only Saviour and who desire to live their life in accordance with His will as revealed in Scripture