Church Online!
We meet for worship every Sunday at 11:00 in the morning and 6:30 in the evening. Both services are livestreamed on YouTube. Join us using the button at the bottom of the page!
We also meet for Bible Study & Prayer every Wednesday at 7:30pm in the back hall. This meeting is broadcast on Zoom.
If you would like more information or would like to join the Bible Study & Prayer Meeting please Contact Us
The Live stream is available to join by clicking the “Live Stream” button below. Streaming starts a few minutes before the the scheduled time of the service.
Once the meeting has ended the recordings are automatically added to our YouTube channel, which now holds a large collection of previous services. Anytime we’re not streaming the Live Stream button will take you to our YouTube channel Live Stream archive page where you can choose a past service to watch.
For some selected sermons see Church Online Archive
All hymns reproduced under CCLI licence no. 2358096