Published by International Bible Reading Association 1980
ISBN: 0719702569
The International Bible Reading Association (IBRA) has been in existence for over 130 years and is part of Christian Education. It serves the church in five continents and aims to help Christians around the world to read the Bible daily and with understanding. For many years, IBRA published Light for our Path and Words for Today, which provided a whole year of daily Bible readings with comments, reflections and prayers and were read by thousands of Christians around the world. Although this copy of Light for our Path is dated 1981 it remains timeless the readings are as meaningful and helpful today as they were back in 1981.
THE VALLEY OF VISION – A Collection of Puritan Prayers & Devotions
Written by: Arthur Bennett
Published by The Banner of Truth Trust 1975
ISBN: 0851512283
The strength of Puritan character and life lay in prayer and meditation. In this practice the spirit of prayer was regarded as of first importance and the best form of prayer, for living prayer is the characteristic of genuine spirituality. Yet prayer is also vocal and may therefore on occasions be written. Consequently, in the Puritan tradition there are many written prayers and meditations which constitute an important corpus of inspiring devotional literature. Too often ex tempore prayer lacks variety, order and definiteness. The reason for this lies partly in a neglect of due preparation. It is here that the care and scriptural thoroughness which others found necessary in their approach to God may be of help. This book has been prepared not to ‘supply’ prayers but to prompt and encourage the Christian as he treads the path on which others have gone before. – Publisher.
HANNAH – A month in the presence of the mother of Samuel
Written by: Claire Benton Evans
Published by Kevin Mayhew 2019
ISBN: 9781848679771
A devotional for Christian women. This 30 day journey focuses on the faith and life of Hannah. A new way of experiencing relationship with God – through the eyes of another. A month in the presence of the mother of Samuel. Hannah might seem to us impossibly remote: a woman in a desert town who lived three thousand years ago and as many miles away; a second wife who longed for a son and then – extraordinarily – gave him away. Like a reality TV show’s all-seeing camera, the Bible connects us intimately with Hannah, showing us her tears and the tensions at home. It captures every word of this faithful woman’s spontaneous song of praise. The 30 meditations in this book encourage you to spend a month in Hannah’s company Each day links an aspect of Hannah’s story with a Bible reading, which is accompanied by a short reflection and a prayer.
CLOSER -30 Days of Devotions to Help You on Your Faith Journey
Written by: Rob Carter
Published by Writersworld 2016
ISBN: 9780995451803
CLOSER provides 30 devotions packed with Biblical insights, real-life stories and reflections to help you on your faith journey. As a Christian, the author believes that anyone can be changed through a close, intimate relationship with Jesus Christ, and that this will positively influence the people and situations we encounter. The book is highly practical and touches on diverse life issues such as listening to God; marriage; self-esteem; making good decisions; healing; friendships; dealing with tragedy; faith in the workplace and mending broken relationships. Invest in these devotions for a month and you will find yourself both challenged and encouraged as you draw CLOSER to God.
ABIDE IN CHRIST – Thoughts on the Blessed Life of Fellowship with the Son of God
Written by: Andrew Murry
Published by Christian Literature Crusade 1972
A Thirty-one day devotional study based on John 15:1-12. To the thirsty soul these devotions can open up an entirely new and blessed experience in fellowship and communion with Christ.
A TABLE IN THE WILDERNESS – Daily meditations
Written by: Watchman Nee
Published by Victory Press 1966
This collection of some of the mature gems from the writings of Watchman Nee has found widespread acceptance as a devotional book for each day of the year. Wonder and gratitude have a high place in these meditations, which are drawn from the author’s widely varied ministry in China and beyond. They cannot fail to evoke from us a fresh response to God’s superlative grace in the gift to us of His Son.
ESTHER – A Month in the Presence of the Jewish Queen
Written by: Linda Ottewell
Published by Kevin Mayhew Ltd 2019
ISBN: 9781848679757
How much do you know about Esther and why an Old Testament book bears her name? Who was she? When and where did she live? What did she achieve that is so memorable? What is the book of Esther about? Linda Ottewell looks at why Esther and her story are relevant and important today. To what extent can we identify with Esther and what can we learn from her? Esther has all the ingredients for a good story. It’s exciting, gripping, inspiring, full of drama and romance, intrigue and subterfuge, conflict, tension and danger. However, it is much more than simply a good story. Despite not being spoken of explicitly, God’s presence is felt throughout. The chapters clearly demonstrate God’s faithfulness, sovereignty, compassion, grace and mercy, and his loving care for his chosen people. This devotional contains 30 meditations – a daily reading for a month. A brief introduction for each section leads into a Bible reading, followed by a short reflection, with questions or a thought to ponder, and then a closing prayer.
Written by: J C Philpot
Published by Gospel Standard Trust Publications 1992
ISBN: 0903556227
Short extracts from the works of J C Philpot (1802-1869) arranged as portions suitable for daily readings by his daughters. Although the readings are very spiritual they are also practical and include vital aspects of the Christian’s pathway. Their desire was, and that of the present publisher is that these Daily Portions may be found refreshing to a weary spirit and a word of encouragement or exhortation to pilgrims journeying Zionward.
Written by: Arthur W Pink
Published by Baker Book House 1986
W. Pink in his introduction says, “God has a ‘people,’ the objects of His special favor: a company whom He has taken into such intimate relationship with Himself that He calls them ‘My people.’ Often they are disconsolate because of their natural corruptions, the temptations of Satan, the cruel treatment of the world, the low state of Christ’s cause on earth. The ‘God of all comfort’ (II Cor. 1:3) is very tender toward them, and it is His revealed will that His servants should bind up the broken-hearted and pour the balm of Gilead into their wounds. What cause we have to exclaim ‘Who is a God like unto Thee!’, (Micah 7:18), who has provided for the comfort of those who were rebels against His government and transgressors of His Law. May it please Him to use His Word as expounded in this book to speak peace to afflicted souls today, and the glory shall be His alone.” Comfort for Christians also includes these devotional aids: “Daily Bread”- A calendar for reading through the Bible in a year, with directions by Robert Murray M’Cheyne, and “My Prayer Requests and God’s Answers,” a suggested register of petitions.
Written by: Cliff Richard
Published by Hodder & Stoughton 1985
ISBN: 0340369329
‘Jesus Me and You’ is the sequel to Cliff Richard’s resoundingly successful ‘You Me and Jesus’. Taking the second line of his song lyric as the title, Cliff comments on some eighty thoughtfully chosen biblical extracts, giving helpful guidance to Christians on the way to live in the modern world. Humorous and direct, ‘Jesus Me and You’ points to a better understanding of the Bible’s rules, promises and guidelines.
DAILY TREASURE – 366 Daily Readings on the Psalms
Written by: C H Spurgeon
Published by Evangelical Press 2000
ISBN: 0852344643
Daily Treasure is a unique compilation of 366 readings taken from Spurgeon’s great work on the Psalms, The Treasury of David. Known as the ‘prince of preachers,’ Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834-1892) had the remarkable ability to express spiritual truth in down-to-earth language, making his writings a challenge and blessing to the countless numbers who have read them. These extracts have been sensitively edited for today’s readers retaining Spurgeon’s warm and engaging style. Further Scripture passages are suggested, along with an additional daily meditation. Michael Haykin’s introduction to Spurgeon’s life provides some interesting and helpful perspectives on this man whom God so wonderfully used.
Written by: Derek Thomas
Published by Evangelical Press 2001
ISBN: 0852344813
Is the Bible able to provide answers to the struggles and difficulties facing Christians at the beginning of the twenty-first century? Does it have anything realistic and genuinely helpful to say to those who are feeling jaded in their spiritual lives as a result of the stresses and pressures of life in a modern world? Derek Thomas gives a resounding ‘yes’ in response to these questions. By leading his readers through fifteen meditations on the Psalms of Ascent ( Psalms 120-134), Dr Thomas shows them that the Word of God is a rich resource, full of the practical wisdom needed to meet the challenges of life in the home, at work, in the community and at worship. This book will assist Christians in. restoring a vital relationship of worship and communion with God; establishing the daily discipline of reading the Scriptures; developing the habit of meditating on the Word of God and prayer; keeping a journal which helps to apply the teaching of Scripture and records one’s spiritual progress. In these pages you will find a carefully researched two-week programme designed to help you reshape and re-discipline a daily time of Bible study, meditation and prayer.
WISDOM FOR TODAY’S ISSUES – A Topical Arrangement of the Proverbs
Written by: Stephen Voorwinde
Published by P&R Publishing 1996
ISBN: 0875524729
The book of Proverbs “is replete with practical wisdom that is both timely and timeless,” notes Stephen Voorwinde in the preface to this work. Too often, however, that treasure of wisdom is left undiscovered. Finding all that the Proverbs say on any given topic can be difficult. This handbook is designed to make the Proverbs more accessible to readers today. Every verse in Proverbs is categorized and printed in full for quick reference. The more than fifty categories include: anger, counsel, education, food, greed, the home, justice, love, the poor, self-control, speech, violence, woman, and work. Whether used in group study, as a time-saver in lesson preparation, or as a devotional aid, this handy Bible-study companion delivers the wisdom of God for the practical matters of our lives.