Days Lane Baptist Church - Blackfen - Sidcup

Realms of Authority

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There are three realms in society where God has placed leaders to exercise authority, which we must be aware of and submissive to. 

The first realm is the smallest but not the least: the home. God has placed the husband to lead his wife and children in a loving, gentle manner unto the Lord. (1 Corinthians 11:3; Ephesians 5:22 -6:4)

The second realm is the church. The head of the church is Christ,and every local church must be in submission to Christ and no one else and nothing else. The Word of God is a complete canon which is sufficient for all matters unto righteousness. (2 Timothy 3:16) No extra revelation from a prophet or a pope is needed, and it does not hold any authority in the church. God has put under shepherds, pastors and elders, to feed and care for the people of God. They are not to domineer and exercise a heavy-handed authority, because they have no authority outside what God has command them to do through His Word. Church members arecommanded by scripture, to submit to their church leaders, as they are submitted to Christ who is the head of the church.(Hebrews 13:17)

The last realm of authority is the government sphere. The role of the government is to protect the people and nation from outside threats and to maintain order and justice in the society. Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities because God is the one who established them. (Romans 13:1) Naturally, the flesh does not like authority. We rebel against any kind of leadership and expose flaws as an excuse to not be submissive. However, we must be reminded that the life of a Christians is peaceable and seeks to show honour and respect to all men. (1 Peter 2:17)

Nevertheless, we are first and foremostly submitted to Christ, and cannot, under any means support or partake in sin when it is instructed by someone in a leadership position over us. We must also remember and recognise the limits of a leader’s authority. For example, the pastor’s authority is in the realm of the local church. He can instruct you on spiritual matters and how the church conducts its services. He cannot enforce that you paint your living room a certain colour, as the home is a realm beyond his authority. The pastor could suggest a colour, and it could be a fair suggestion, but you would not have to submit to him in that regard. Similarly, the government has no authority to dictate what happens in the church or in the home. If there is a moral crime committed within the church walls or the home, then they must enforce the law. However, it is not the government’s place to dictate how or whether a church service is conducted, or how you will raise your children and conduct your life in your home. 

New proposed legislation from the current government will enable them to decide what form of education your child receives regardless of the parents’ or schools wishes. They will inspect the home and lifestyle of families that homeschool and have the power to force public education despite the parents’ wishes. This is a dauting proposition for families who live a counter cultural lifestyle in accordance to God’s Word. They will also have the final say on whether a child on life support lives or dies, regardless of parents’ requests. What’s next? In 2016 the Labour party proposed to use Ofsted to examine church Sunday schools to ensure that all education is in accordance with “British values.” Echoes of this rhetoric is returning under the umbrella of religious fundamentalists indoctrinating children. This overreach of power across realms has an authoritarian aroma that could mark the first stage of our Christian liberty in this country ending. 

Therefore, let us not forsake to use what means we have to appeal for justice while we still can. Let us pray that our leaders would know that Christ is King of kings and Lord of Lords; that He is coming again to judge; and that they would revere Him; and lead righteously, for the good of man and to the glory of God.

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